Seek for Greater Perspective - 07/08

One of the purposes of this life is to gain experience and knowledge.  We are in a constant process of learning about life as we make choices and decisions every day.  As children are taught from the wisdom and experience of their parents, so we all should seek wisdom from sources that provide us with an increase in knowledge and wisdom and a greater perspective.

As I was sitting one morning working on this letter I looked out of our front window and saw ducks walking across the street.  It was a mother and four large children.  They are trying to find their way back to the canal of water that is about 100 feet behind the houses on our street.  First they walk into the neighbors yard, then they walked next door and into the garage to come out again a few minutes later. They went into the yard next to mine and then finally came into our yard, trying to find a way through. I thought, “If they keep going, they will go around the corner and find the canal easily.” But then they crossed the street and went the wrong way.  I am sure that eventually they found the way home.

We are like these ducks, wandering around the neighborhood trying to find the right way to go.  Sometimes, we don’t have the perspective we need to find the best route and often our family or others are following closely behind.

Isaiah explains that the path that Heavenly Father would want us to take is not one that we can easily understand.  “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”[1]

I think that one of the challenges of life is when we think we have a good perspective on where we are going or what we are doing, but we really don’t.  Even when we get older while we become much wiser, there is still a lot we don’t know and can’t see.  As we come to understand this lack of perspective, we would increase our efforts to understand the bigger picture.

President Spencer W. Kimball tells us that one way to expand our perspective is to follow our Father in Heaven. “God does notice us, and he watches over us.” “The abundant life is also achieved as we magnify our view of life, expand our view of others, and our own possibilities. Thus the more we follow the teachings of the Master, the more enlarged our perspective becomes.”[i]

Once I considered purchasing a small local business.  I had the financial backing and was excited to look into the business further.  I discussed the profitability and operations with the owner in detail, and we were looking forward to purchasing the business and helping it grow.  Before purchasing the business, I asked him to see his financial information.  Surprisingly, he got frustrated and didn’t want to talk any more.  We prayed intently about what we should do, and we felt that it was not the right decision.  Later, I learned that he had borrowed against the business, hadn’t paid his bills in months and was on the verge of bankruptcy.  The Holy Ghost helped us know that it would have been a mistake even before we knew the details about the financial situation of this business. We may not have understood the bigger picture, but Heavenly Father did.

Consider the following story:  “There's a small fly burning out the last of its short life's energies in a futile attempt to fly through the glass of the windowpane. The whining wings tell the poignant story of the fly's strategy: Try harder.

But it's not working. The frenzied effort offers no hope for survival. Ironically, the struggle is part of the trap. It is impossible for the fly to try hard enough to succeed at breaking through the glass. Nevertheless, this little insect has staked its life on reaching its goal through raw effort and determination. This fly is doomed. It will die there on the windowsill.

Across the room, ten steps away, the door is open. Ten seconds of flying time and this small creature could reach the outside world it seeks. With only a fraction of the effort now being wasted, it could be free of this self-imposed trap. The breakthrough possibility is there. It would be so easy.”[ii]

If only the fly had greater perspective. If only he could see what we see, it would find freedom and life.

President Kimball said, “…one of the advantages of the gospel of Jesus Christ is that it gives us perspective about the people on this planet, including ourselves, so that we can see the things that truly matter….”[iii]

As of this date, July 12th, 2008, I have had an interesting turn in my professional career.  I had just joined a small local company after being out of work for the longest period of my life, eight months.  I was excited to finally be working again, but there were some internal problems with the company that were not fully disclosed to me, and I find myself again looking for work.  In my line of work, there are many opportunities, but most of them would require that I relocate my family.  Ivana is just about to start her senior year of High School, and Victoria is just about to start Jr. High.  So it is not a good time for me to uproot my family and move.  Still, the opportunities are limited if I remain locally.  I wish I had some great perspective to tell me exactly what I should do.  We have faithfully prayed and trusted that God would lead us in the right direction and open the right doors. It is a challenge to face the uncertain future but I know that he will direct our path.  There is only one sure path, and that is to follow him.  This is true not only in my current situation but truly in all situations in our lives.  He is the one with perspective.  He alone can help us along the path that is for our growth and development.

The prophet Jeremiah was asked by Johanan to pray, “That the Lord thy God may show us the way wherein we may walk, and the thing that we may do.”[2] This is truly the best way to gain the perspective we need.  I know that when we pray, Heavenly Father will hear and answer us.

I put great trust in the words of Matthew, as he says, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”[3]

And so, my counsel to each of us, including me, is very simple.  Continue to seek wisdom, knowledge and greater perspective in all things.  Then, to pray continually that Heavenly Father will direct your paths where He would have you go.

[1] Old Testament,  Isaiah 55: 8,9
[2] Old Testament, Jeremiah 42:3
[3] New Testament, Matthew 7:7

[i] Spencer W. Kimball, “The Abundant Life,” Tambuli, Jun 1979, 3
[ii] Try Something Different, “Price Pritchet”
[iii] Spencer W. Kimball, “There Is Purpose in Life,” New Era, Sep 1974, 4
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